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Translation of Words Teaching Plan Teaching Contents: 1. Introduction to word’s seven types of meanings: Denotative meaning, Connotative meaning, Stylistic meaning, Affective meaning, Reflective meaning, Collocative meaning, Thematic meaning 2. Introduction to word’s categories: Polysement, Word with different meanings, Synonym, Antonym Translation methods of Chinese idioms Teaching Aims: To make students know what are seven types of meanings for word To make students know what are four categories for word To make students master the right methods to translate culture-loaded Chinese idioms Teaching Plan Teaching Focus: Seven types of meanings for word Four categories for word Ways to translate culture-loaded Chinese idioms Teaching Methods: Teacher-oriented lecturing Students’ discussion (group work, then class work) Teaching Approaches: Multi-media aided. Teaching Procedures: Seven types of word’s meaning Denotative meaning (外延意义/概念意义) Connotative meaning (内涵意义) Stylistic meaning (风格意义) Affective meaning (情感意义) Reflective meaning (联想意义) Collocative meaning (搭配意义) Thematic meaning (主题意义) I. Analyzing words categories Polysement(多义词) Word with different meanings(歧异词) Synonym(同义词) Antonym(反义词) 1. Polysement 1. 我们找个安静点的地方好好聊聊。 Let’s find a quiet place where we can have a good talk. Let’s find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk. 2. 箱子里已经没有地方了。 There is no more space in the chest. There is no room left in the chest. 3. 你希望留在部队还是到地方上去? Do you wish to stay in the army or to transfer to a civilian unit? Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit? 4. 我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。 It’s part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns. It is an integral part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and village enterprises. 5. 我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。 We must make adjustment in our policy in response to changes in the situation. We have to adjust our



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