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信任与儿童发展;汇报内容:;汇报顺序:;汇报顺序:;Evaluating and Approaching a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust in Informant Testimony;摘要;摘要;BACKGROUD;BACKGROUD;Present Research;Finally, we conducted Experiment 1B to determine whether a comparison group of children trusted each informant at a baseline level, in the absence of competing testimony. 最后,做实验1B,探讨一个对照组是否相信每个信息提供者(作为基线水平),没有矛盾信息。 we expected participants to endorse the zookeeper’s claims to a greater extent than those of the maternal figure. 预期被试更大程度上会支持动物园管理员的证据。 We also predicted that children would be more likely to endorse positive information about the animal with age, irrespective of informant type. 同样预期被试随年龄增长更可能支持积极信息。;Experiment 1A;2.Design and procedure First, children were shown a photograph of the cuscus or quoll. The experimenter confirmed that children had not heard of the animal and provided them with basic information. 给被试展示两种袋鼠的图片,主试要确定被试从来没有听过这种动物并提供动物的基本信息。 The experimenter then showed the child the images of the informants, a maternal figure and a zookeeper, paired with brief introductions of each person. 然后主试向被试展示信息提供者的图片,母亲形象和动物管理员,分别配有简短的介绍。;(a) cuscus marsupial(袋貂袋);(a) maternal figure;The maternal informant;Based on condition assignment, participants received positive information from one informant and negative information from the other informant. 被试接受来自一位信息提供者的积极信息和另一位提供者的消极信息。 ;Half of the participants were assigned randomly to receive positive information from the maternal figure and negative information from the zookeeper. 一半被试被随机分配接受母亲形象(积极信息),管理员(消极信息)。另一半反之。 Within each group, half of the participants were told about a “cuscus,” whereas the remaining half were told about a “quoll.” 有一半被试接受的是袋貂袋的信息,另一半是袋鼬袋的信息。;Afterward, participants were asked “Who do you think is right about the animal?” which was the main dependent measure. 测量主要的因变量。 a follow-up “degree of correctness” question was asked “How right do you think [selected informant] is?” To determine whether children credited the other informant


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