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编号: 毕业设计说明书 题 目:Delphi局域网管理系统的 设计与开发 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 高级实验师 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 2010年 5月 24日 摘 要 本设计为一用Delphi语言开发的局域网管理软件。针对小型局域网管理麻烦,不适宜用大型高档管理软件的特点,在对小区网络用户和学校实验室等局域网环境进行考察和分析后设计此软件。力求软件简单实用,有针对性。 软件分为客户端和服务端,服务器对若干客户机进行管理:对客户端进行包括关机、重启、注销等有关用户和操作系统的操作;远程运行客户机程序和控制台命令;具有上传文件至客户端,从客户端下载文件,列出客户端指定目录下文件列表等功能。 客户端作为每台客户机之于服务机的标示,开启客户机5008端口与服务端链接,负责接收服务端命令和返回运行结果,并且在客户机上显示运行日志。 运用Delphi的ServerSocket和ClientSocket两个控件来实现软件的核心功能。 本软件的优点是绿色,体积小,健壮安全。但功能有限,不适宜大型局域网的使用。 关键词:局域网管理;Delphi开发;C/S模式;Socket应用 Abstract The design is a LAN management software developed with Delphi. This management is developed for small local area network trouble, for the feature that not suitable for large-scale high-end management software, After the observation and analysis of network users and the school district laboratory LAN environment, I start the design of this software ,as well striving to simple, practical, and targeted. The software is divided into client and server, the server manages a number of client machines: including shutdown, restart, and log the user and operating system operations on the client; remotely run the client program and the console command; with upload files to the client, download the file from the client, the client specifies the directory listing list of files and other functions. The client as each client of the server marker, open the client and the server port 5008 link。The client is responsible for receiving commands and return the server to run the result,and displayed on the client running log. Using ServerSocket and ClientSocket two controls to achieve the main functions of the software. This software has the advantage of green, small, robust security. However, limited functionality, not suitable for large-scale local area network use is the defe


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