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3 1 3 Vo l. 31 No . 3 2010 6 Chinese Internal Combu stion Eng ine Eng ineering June. 2010 : 1000- 0925( 20 10 03- 007 1- 05 310059 , , , ( , 250061 TimeD main Analysis f Relati nship between Engine Cylinder Head Vibrati n Accelerati n and C mbusti n Pr cess JI Sha b , CHENG Y ng, TANG Juan, MA Z ngzheng ( Colleg e of Energ y and Po wer Eng ineer ing, Shandong Universit y, Jinan 250061, China Abstract: T he cylinder head displacement and vibrat ion acceler at ion w ere r espect ively co nt rast ed w it h the cylinder pressur e signal and it s r ise acceleration sig nal in tim e domain. It is found t hat befor e t he peak cy linder pressure occurring, t he t rend of t he cyl inder head displacem ent and t he cy linder pressure signal ar e almost same, and t he appearance t imings of f eat ure point s of v ibrat ion accelerat ion and t he pressure rise ac celerat ion are v er y clo se. F rom comparison of t he cy linder pressure, it s rise rate and accelerat ion curves, it is fo und that t he f eat ure po int s on t he pressure rise accelerat io n curve are nearly co rresponding t o t he mom ent s of co mbustio n feature points e. g . t he point s of combu st ion start , t he m ax. pr essure rise rat e, and t he peak cy linder pressure, et c. A ccording ly, the m et hod t o estim at e the combu st ion process f eat ur e po int s f rom t he feature points o f cy linder head vibrat ion accelerat ion signals w as proposed. T he met hod had been verified in model ZH 195 sing le cy linder and m odel 495T diesel eng ines successf ully. : 对缸盖位移与缸内压力信号, 缸盖振动加速度与缸内压力升高加速度信号进行了 对比分析, 结果表明: 燃烧峰 压力出现时刻前, 缸盖位移及缸内压力信号变化趋势相近, 缸盖 振动加速度与压力升高加速度的特征点出现时刻接近对


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