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成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司 企 业 标 准 CHENGDU AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIAL (GROUP) COMPANY LIMITED ENTERPRISE STANDARD FCJ 21-1995 千分尺校准方法 METHOD FOR CALIBRATION OF MICROMETER 共 23 页 23 PAGES 更改单记录 Record of Change Sheet 更改单编号 Change Sheet No. 接收人 Receiver 日期 Date 备注 Remarks 1. 范围Scope 本标准规定了千分尺,包括公制和英制外径千分尺、数显千分尺及板厚千分尺、壁厚千分尺、锥测头千分尺的要求、校准条件、校准项目及校准方法、校准结果的处理和校准周期。This standard specifies the requirements, calibration terms, calibration items, calibration methods, calibration result handling and calibration periodic time of micrometers, including metric system and British system external micrometers, digimatic micrometers, slab thickness micrometers, arm thickness micrometers, and conical gauge head micrometers., 本标准适用于使用中和修理后表1所列规格的外径千分尺、数显千分尺及板厚千分尺、壁厚千分尺、锥测头千分尺(公英制)的校准。This standard is applicable for the calibration of the following micrometers in use and repaired, including metric system and British system external micrometers, digimatic micrometers, slab thickness micrometers, arm thickness micrometers, and conical gauge head micrometers. 表1 各规格千分尺的主要技术指标 序号 测量范围 mm 平行度允差 (m 示值误差允许值 (m 1 0~25 2 (4 2 25~50 2.5 (4 3 50~100 3 (4 4 100~150 4 (5 5 150~200 6 (6 6 200~300 7 (7 7 300~400 _ (8 8 400~500 _ (10 9 500~600 _ (3 or (5 10 600~700 _ 11 700~800 _ 12 800~900 _ 13 900~1000 _ 注1:当测微头的示值范围为25mm时,示值误差应不超过(3(m。 注2:当测微头的示值范围为50mm时,示值误差应不超过(5(m。 Table 1 The main technical index of micrometers in various specifications S/N. Scope of measurement mm Parallelism tolerance (m Indication deviation allowable (m 1 0~25 2 (4 2 25~50 2.5 (4 3 50~100 3 (4 4 100~150 4 (5 5 150~200 6 (6 6 200~300 7 (7 7 300~400 _ (8 8 400~500 _ (10 9 500~600 _ (3 or (5 10 600~700 _ 11 700~800 _ 12 800~900 _ 13 900~1000 _ Note 1: when indication scope of micrometer head be 25mm, indication deviation shall be within (3(m. Note 2: when indication scope of micrometer h


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