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中国高尔夫球场现状与发展前景探究 Exploration of Chinese Golf Course Development Situation and Prospect 韩烈保 Liebao Han 北京林业大学高尔夫教育与研究中心 Golf Education and Research Center of Beijing Forestry University 主要内容 Main Piont 一、中国高尔夫球场设计的现状 Current Situation of Chinese Golf Course Design 二、中国高尔夫球场建造的现状 Current Situation of Chinese Golf Course Construction 三、中国草坪管理的现状 Current Situation of Chinese Turf Management 四、中国高尔夫球场的发展前景 The Development Prospect of Chinese Golf Course 一、中国高尔夫球场设计的现状 Current Situation of Chinese Golf Course Design 1、中国高尔夫球场设计的发展进程 Current Situation of Chinese Golf Course Design (1) 探索萌芽期 Exploration Trigger 20世纪80 年代末~90 年代初,球场的核心工作基本都由国外的团队完 成,中国人主要从事施工、机械操作、草坪管理等非核心工作。1988 年, 由牛忠贤先生设计,程春博先生组织建造团队,于1990年8月建成北京乡村 高尔夫俱乐部,标志着中国自主设计、建造、经营高尔夫球场的开始。 In the late 1980s and early 90s, the core work of golf course has been accomplished by the foreign team, while the Chinese were in charge of uncore work such as construction, mechanical operation and turf management. In 1988 a construction team organized by Mr. Chunbo Chen and planned by Mr. Zhongxian Niu successfully built Beijing Country Golf Club, which marked that China has began to design, construct and manage a golf course by herself. 1、中国高尔夫球场设计的发展进程 Current Situation of Chinese Golf Course Design 1992年,中国第一家专业从事高尔夫球场设计与施工的公司-- 兰星高 尔夫工程有限公司成立,牛忠贤、宋宝健、梁树友是该公司最早的一批设 计人员。 In 1992, Lanxing Golf Engineering Co. , Ltd was found which became the first company specialized in golf course design and construction, Zhongxian Niu, Baojian Song and Shuyou Liang were the first batch of experienced design staff. 1、中国高尔夫球场设计的发展进程 Current Situation of Chinese Golf Course Design (2) 自我完善期 Self-improvement Period 90 年代后期,随着改革开放


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