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词缀或词根 含义 举例 -able capable of eatable, payable -al relating to national, political -ance, -ence state, action or quality appearance, difference -an, -ian of or belonging to American, Christian anti- against antislavery, antiwar audi- hear auditor, auditorium auto- by oneself of by itself automatic, autobiography bi- two bicycle, bimonthly bio- life, living biology, biography cent-, centi- 100 or a 100th century, centimeter counter- opposite, against countermarch, counterattack -dic- say, speak diction, dictate dis- not, negative disagree, discovery en- put into, cause to be endanger, enrich -en make or cause to be widen, strengthen -er, -or a person or thing that dose an action teacher, actor -ent, -ant having the nature of different, pleasant -ese nationality or language Chinese, Japanese ex- former ex-wife, ex-president -ful full handful, joyful -fy, -ify make or become purify, terrify geo- the earth geology, geography -graph- something written autograph, graphology -hood state or time of being childhood, livelihood homo- same, like homosexual, homophone il- not, negative illegal, illogical im- not , into impossible, import in- not, into incomplete, inhale inter- between, among international, intermediate intra- inside, within intracity, intracompany ir- not, negative irresponsible, irregular -ish having the nature of childish, Swedish -ism principles or teaching of Buddhism, socialism -ist a person who is skilled in an area artist, scientist -ive having the nature of sensitive, effective -ize cause to be or become realize, nationalize kilo- 1000 kilogram, kilometer -less lack of, without careless, helpless -logy the science or study of psychology, biology -ly in the manner of quickly, quietly mal- badly malpractice, maltreat -ment the action or condition of movement, statement milli- a 1000th part of milligram, millimeter mini- very small or short miniskirt, minicar mis- badly, wrongly misfortune, misundersta
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