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Brief History of Western Rhetoric 西方修辞学发展简史 01 Classical rhetoric 02 Rhetoric in the Middle Ages 03 Rhetoric in Renaissance 04 New Classic Rhetoric 05 Contemporary Rhetoric Classic Period Middle Ages Renaissance New Classic Contemporary B.C. 5th c. A.D. 5th c. 14th c. 16th c.17th c. 19th c. Classic Period Middle Ages Renaissance New Classic Contemporary 5 B.C. 5 A.D. 14C 16C 17C 19C 1. Two necessary conditions for the birth of Rhetoric. 2. Some Greek rhetoricians and their theories. 3. Some Roman rhetoricians and their theories. 1. Classical Rhetoric Two necessary conditions: 1. Greek Democracy—public speaking 1. Classical Rhetoric Two necessary conditions: 2. Many great thinkers—Socrates, Plato, Aristotle… 1. Classical Rhetoric (1). Corax (科拉克斯) (Corax of Syracuse and Tisias were the first rhetoricians in history.) 1. A theory of how arguments should be developed from probabilities. 2. The concept of organization of a message. legal arguments: introductory, explanation, argumentation and conclusion. Page 7 1. Classical Rhetoric • 3 classes of Classical rhetoric: the Sophists the Platonic rhetoric Aristotle’s rhetoric 1. Classical Rhetoric Some Greek Rhetoricians and their theory • The sophists boasted of their ability to make the worse appear the better reason, to prove that black is white. • They believe “Man is the measure of all things.” Gorgia


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