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,2011,31( 10) : 2090- 2099 A cta Bot. Bor eal. -Occid ent . Sin. : 1000-4025(2011) 10-2090-10 1, 2 2, 3* 2, 3 2, 3 1 赵发珠 , 韩新辉 , 杨改河 , 杜约翰 , 康 乐 ( 1 , 712100; 2 , 712100; 3 , 712100) :, 16 : , Shannon-Wiener( Bs-w , i ) Levins( Bl, i ) 0.890.83 0. 640.58, 0.5 174 , 91.6%,, :; ; ; ; + : 948. 15 4 : A Niche Characteristics of Undergrowth Herbaceous in Typical Reforest Cultivated Land Area in North Shaanxi Province 1, 2 2, 3* 2, 3 2, 3 1 ZHAO Fa-zhu ,HAN Xin-hui ,YANG Ga-i he , DU Yue-han ,KANG Le ( 1 College of Forestry, Northwest AF U niversity, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China; 2 T he Research Center of Recycle Agricul- tural Engineering and Technology of Shaanxi Province, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China; 3 College of Agronomy, Northwest A F U niversity, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China) Abstract Based on a field plot sampling method to investigate community niche of undergrowth vegetation in typical lands use conversion from agricultural lands into forest lands.Species diversity indices,parame- ters of niche breadth, niche similarity and niche overlap were calculated to analyze niche characteristics in 16 different models and periods of land use conversion from agricultural lands into forest lands communities in Ansai country. The results showed that the species diversity indices in land use conversion from agricu-l tural lands into forest are better than land use conversion from agricultural lands into shrubbery. Niche breadth of L esp edez a dav ur ica and H eterop app us altaicus were larger than that of other species. With Shannon-Wiener(Bs-w, i ) and Levins (B l, i )



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