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偏压深基坑开挖排桩护结构变形规律分析 汪东林,汪磊, (1.安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院安徽合肥 230601230022) 摘要:基坑在开挖过程中,由于受到周边环境条件及工程地质条件的影响,围护结构的变形规律差别很大。本文以合肥地铁一号线6#风井深基坑为研究对象依据排桩结构变形的实际监测数据与数值模拟的方法相结合,详细分析了在偏压荷载的作用下,基坑施工的各阶段围护桩体的变形规律,并分析了路基偏压对于基坑开挖的影响。研究结果表明:随着基坑开挖与支撑的架设,围护桩变形曲线呈现弓形变化,桩体的变形规律与支撑的架设位置、支撑的架设时间密切相关,围护桩体最大水平位移发生在基坑开挖深度的2/4~3/4的位置。通过对该基坑的分析,可以为相关工程提供参考。 关键词:深基坑;偏压荷载;数值模拟;监测数据 DEFORMATION OF ROW PILE RETAINING STRUCTURE FOR THE BIAS OF DEEP FOUNDATION PIT Wang Dong Lin1, Wang Lei1,JiangXiaoQing2 (1.Civil engineering school, Anhui Jianzhu University, Anhui, Hefei, 230601, China; 2.School of Open Education, Anhui Radio and TV University, Hefei, 230022,China) Abstract: During the construction of deep foundation pit, because of the environment and the engineering geological conditions, the deformation of the retaining structure vary greatly. In this paper, a deep foundation pit of No.6 air shaft is taken as an example, combined actual monitoring data and the numerical simulation of row pile retaining structures, we have a detail analysis of the deformation rules of the retaining structures during every construction stage of deep foundation pit under the bias load and analysis the?influence?of foundation pit during excavation under the bias load. The results show that with the excavation of foundation pit and the erection of braces, the retaining pile is in a shape of bow , The?deformation of pile is closely related to?the?erection position and the?erection time, The maximum horizontal displacement of?retaining?pile happens at?2/4~3/4 depth of pit . Through the analysis of the foundation pit, can provide reference for related engineering. Key words: deep foundation pit; bias load; numerical simulation; monitoring data 0.引言 当前我国地铁建设掀起了一阵热潮,地铁深基坑工程不仅数量日益增加,难度也逐渐增大 [1]。基坑在开挖的过程中,随着土体被挖出,基坑周围土体应力释放,会产生地面沉降、围护结构变形、坑底隆起等现象,过大的变形将直接影响到周围建筑及施工现场的安全[2]。紧邻既有高速公路的深 基金项目: 安徽省自然科学基金项目(1308085QE85), 2014年省级质量工程项目(2014tszy023) 作者简介:汪东林(1979-), 男, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向为岩土工程计算与分析。 基坑施工,不仅要保证高速公路的正常运行,还涉及到路基偏压和动荷载对于基坑开挖的影响[3]



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