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第32 卷第4期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol132, No. 4 201 1 年 4 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversity( Natural cience) Apr. 2 0 1 1 1 1 1,2 2 陈晓红 , 巩恩普, 赵忠华 , 杨 福 ( 1. , 110819; 2. o , 110032) : , , # , ; , , , , # : ; ; ; ; : P 534. 53 : A : 1005-3026( 2011) 04-0583-04 Analyzing the Sedimentary System of Sandstone- Type Uranium Deposits in the Pingzhuang Basin 1 1 1, 2 2 CH EN X iao-hong , GON G En-p u , ZH A O Zhong-hua , YA N G Fu ( 1. chool of Resources Civil Engineering, Northeast ern University, henyang 110819, China; 2. No. 240 Institute of Nuclear Industry, henyang 110032, China. Corresponding author: CHEN Xiao-hong, E-mail: chenxh000 @ 163. com) Abstract: Based on former research findings, sedimentary system characteristics and potential uranium mineralization sections of the upper unjiaw an formation of the late cretaceous located near Heishui were analyzed using principles of sedimentology , well logging geology, and stratigraphy. Results indicated that the Heishui area is in the formative stage of the upper unjiawan formation and is not located at the center of the Pingzhuang basin but lies on the edge of the basin. The sedimentary base level experienced a cycle in w hich elevation occurred during the early stage, a high point w as reached in mid stage, and a drop off during the late stage. During this period, alluvial braided channel deposits were favorable to uranium mineralization. Key words: sedimentary system; uranium mineralization; unjiaw an formation; Pingzhuang basin; Heishui area , 22%



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