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C++ History and Rationale Shuo Chen giantchen@ @bnu_chenshuo /Solstice Agenda • Quiz • Timeline • Three Constraints • Imperfections • Why we use C++ • Improvements Quiz • Are virtual dtors necessary for base classes? • Do you disable copy ctor and operator=() ? • Ever worried about binary compatibility? • Pimpl as common practices? • Is auto_ptr recommended? • Polymorphic array? • Is std::copy as fast as memcpy for char[] ? Quiz con’t • Is list::size() O(1) or O(n) ? list::empty() ? • How about vector::push_back()? O(1) ? • Break words in to vectorstring string line; // cmd arg1 arg2 vectorstring result; istringstream iss(line); istream_iteratorstring begin(iss); istream_iteratorstring end; copy(begin, end, back_inserter(result)); One system language every 10 years • C 1970s stable since 1974 • C++ 1980s stable since 1996 (CD2) • Java 1990s stable since 2004 (Java 5) • ???? 2000s • Go?? 2010s • C#? well, it is a system-specific language C++ in the 20th century • C with class 1980 inherit w/o virtual • First impl. 1983 virtual function • CFront E/1.0 1985-02 overloading • CFront 1.1 1985/86 reference • CFront 1.2 1987-02 protected • CFront 2.0 1989-06 Multiple-inheritance • CFront 3.0 1991-10 Templates • HP C++ 1992 Exceptions • C++ 98/03 1996 namespaces/STL Java in the 21th century • Jav


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