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英概Unit1,21. The full name of the United Kingdom is ____2. The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. True or False?False.Because Northern Ireland is on the neighboring island of Ireland.3. The national flag of the UK is called _____.The Union Jack4. What’s its national anthem?God Save the Queen /King. 5Commonwealth of Nations英联邦1。英国的全称是____2。大不列颠岛由英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰。真或假?假的。因为北爱尔兰在邻近的爱尔兰。3。英国的国旗被称为_____。英国国旗4。它的国歌是什么?上帝保佑女王/王5英联邦英联邦8. LondonThe largest city in the country, with about one seventh of the nation’s population.The seat of the government---10 Downing Street.The cultural center, home to all the major newspapers, TV stations, galleries, theaters and museums.Business center.Financial center.8。伦敦这个国家最大的城市,全国约七分之一的人口。政府所在地——-10唐宁街。文化中心,国内所有主要报纸、电视台、画廊、剧院和博物馆。商务中心。金融中心。EnglandThe largest of the four nationsThe largest populationThe dominance in size is reflected in a cultural and economic dominance.Its capital, London, is dominant in UK in all fields: government, finance and culture.Latin languageAnglo-Saxon language 3 sources of (ancient English ) Modern EnglishFrench language 最大的四个国家最大的人口优势的大小是反映在文化和经济主导地位。其首都伦敦,在英国占主导地位在各个领域:政府、金融和文化。拉丁语言盎格鲁-撒克逊语言3的来源现代英语(古英语)法国语言ScotlandSecond largest nation in population and in geographical areaMost confident of its own identityLong history as a unified state independent of the UKOfficial Language: English, Scottish, GaelicNot conquered by Rome or Anglo-SaxonsBritish Celts occupied Glasgow (west)6 century AD people from northern The Picts left with the highland zone9AD Viking raids led to a unified Scottish state.Constant conflicts between Scotland and England (Macbeth, Brave heart →William Wallace)14 AD, Robert the Bruce → 300 years of full independence人口第二大国家和地理区域最自信的自己的身份悠久的历史是一个统一的国家独立于英国官方语言:英语、苏格兰盖尔语不被罗马征服或盎格鲁撒克逊人英国格拉斯哥凯尔特人占领(西)公元6世纪人们从北部座长城以抵御皮特人剩下的高地区域公元九世纪海盗袭击导致苏格兰一个统一的国家。苏格兰和英格兰之间不断的冲突(麦克白,勇敢的心→威廉·华莱士)公元14,罗伯特?布鲁斯→300年完全独立


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