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14 5 ( ( ) ; ) V ol. 14 N o . 5 2007 9 Eart h Science Front iers ( Chin a U niversit y of G eosci ences, Bei ing ; Peking U niversit y) S ep. 2007 ( ) 1, 2 1* 3, 4 1, 2 1, 2 2, 4 冷成彪 , 张兴春 , 陈衍景 , 王守旭 , 苟体忠 , 陈 伟 11 , 550002 21 , 100039 31 , 10087 1 41 , 5 10640 Leng Cheng biao1, 2 , Zhang X ingchun 1* , Chen Y an ing3, 4 , Wang Shouxu 1, 2 , Gou T izhong1, 2 , 2 , 4 Chen Wei 11State Key Laboratory of Ore Dep osit Geochemistry , I nstitute of Geochemistry , ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Guiy ang 550002, China 21 Graduate School of Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100039, China 31 Op en Laboratory of Orogen and Crust volution, Peking University , Beij ing 100871, China 41 Guangzhou I nstitute of Geochemistry , ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Guangz hou 5 10640, China Leng Chengbiao, Zhang Xingchun, Chen Yanjing, et al. Discussion on the relationship between Chinese porphyry copper deposits and adakitic rocks. Earth Science Fr ontiers , 2007, 4( 5) : 99-2 0 Abstract: A comparative study o f the geo chemical character istics and g eochrono log ical data of 26 main por phy- ry copper deposits in China has been carr ied out . T he r esults of this w o rk indicates that 25 depo sits ar e associ- at ed w ith adakit ic ro cks especially asso ciated w ith the C- type adakit e, fo rmed by the magma der ived fr om the pa rtial melt ing of basaltic lo w er- cru st . T he ava ilable data show that the T uwu- Y andong and Pulang po rphyr y copper deposits are probably associated w ith O- ty pe adakite, for med by magmas der iv ed fro m t he partial melt- ing


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