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42 / 2009 9 ATO Eff ect of P r epar ing Pr ocess of Ball-mill ing Solid Chemical React ion at A mbient T emperat ure on P r oper ty of N ano-A T O P ow der s ( 610064) WA N G Ch ao- hu a L IU Y i-jiang ZH U Da- chuan T U M ing-jing ( Co llege of M at erial Science and Eng ineering Sichu an U niversit y Chengdu 610064 China) : ; ( AT O) X ( XRD) ( SE M ) p H A T O : pH 8 . 5 10 % ( ) 600 e 2h 900 e 2h 1. 2 8 # cm AT O : ; ; : T B34 ; O 614. 43 : A : 100 1- 4 38 1( 2009) 09- 0042- 05 Abstract: Pr ecur sors w ere pr ep ared by b al-l m illing solid chem ical react ion u sing H 2 C2 O4 # H 2 O Sn Cl2 # 2H 2 O Sb Cl3 and N H 4 H CO3 as raw m at erials at ambient temp erature. In t he pr ocess of m il-l ing t he raw m at erials w ere milled mixed round t hus leading t o r eact ing w it h each o t her . So supp er small pr ecur sors w ere prepared by dint of m il ling. T hen ant imony dop ed t in o xide ( A T O) w as ob- t ained by t herm al deco mpo sit ion of t he precursors . T he eff ect of ant imony cont ent t herm al decom po- sition temp erat ure t ime and pH on resist ance o f A T O w as st udied by means of XR D SEM and measur ing resistance. T he result s show t h at if pH is 81 5 by t he end o f m illing t he azure spher ical nano- A T O about 80nm w ill be obt ained by deco mpo sit ion of t he pr ecursor ( 10 % Sb mass f ract ion) at 900 e f or 2h af ter at 600 e f or 2h w hose resistance is 1. 2 8 # cm. Key words: A T O ; tin o xide; so lid chem ical react ion 20 A T O


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