
umis a service for user model interoperabilityumi用户模型的服务互操作性.pdf

umis a service for user model interoperabilityumi用户模型的服务互操作性.pdf

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umis a service for user model interoperabilityumi用户模型的服务互操作性

Advances in Internet of Things, 2012, 2, 91-105 /10.4236/ait.2012.24012 Published Online October 2012 ( UMIS: A Service for User Model Interoperability Federica Cena, Roberto Furnari Department of Computer Science, University of Turin, Turin, Italy Email: Received July 13, 2012; revised August 27, 2012; accepted September 10, 2012 ABSTRACT In this paper we describe UMIS, a service architecture that enables user adaptive applications to exchange User Model data on the Web. UMIS provides a set of facilities that allow applications to interoperate with minimum changes in their internal logics and knowledge representation. The goal is to support the process of interoperability in three ways: pro- viding an efficient centralized discovery service; offering a service for simple interaction for the exchange of UM value in a p2p way; and offering a negotiation mechanism to be used in case of communication hurdles (i.e. semantic ambi- guities and missing response). We developed a proof-of-concept prototype of UMIS and we tested it with an existing user-adaptive application. According to our test results, our approach improves the communication with respect to standard solutions for interoperability regarding the quality of exchange, with a negligible impact on the communication costs and traffic generation. Keywords: User Modeling; Interoperability; Dialogue Game; Semantic Web; Web Service 1. Introduction We aim at lowering some of the common barriers to interoperability, proposing a web service infrastructure In recent year



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