
research of crystallization of aluminums cast iron研究铝铸铁的结晶.pdf

research of crystallization of aluminums cast iron研究铝铸铁的结晶.pdf

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research of crystallization of aluminums cast iron研究铝铸铁的结晶

Journal of Minerals Materials Characterization Engineering , Vol. 10, No.13, pp.1197-1203, 2011 Printed in the USA. All rights reserved Research of Crystallization of Aluminums Cast Iron Saule Kaldybayeva Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Department of Materials Engineering, 050013 Almaty, Satpayev st.22, Republic of Kazakhstan, *Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT In work was researched the composition and structure of high-alloyed aluminum cast iron ЧЮ22Ш. Crystalization of cast iron ЧЮ22Ш (ЧЮ22Ш standard cast iron) was researched by phase transformation, leaking upon its harden and cooling –down. High-alloyed materials are widely applied as the heat-resistant materials. Overall content of that reaches 30-50% and more. Previous performed researches allowed to optimize the content high-alloyed aluminum cast iron ЧЮ22Ш, to research its structure, casting and operational characteristics, to develop technological mode of melting, casting and thermal / heat treatment casts, to held its industrial examination and to determine perspective direction of its application. However, in present time ability of the aluminum cast iron ЧЮ22Ш is being used not sufficiently. Keywords: heavily doped aluminum cast iron structure, the composition of the phases , thermal properties , specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity 1. INTRODUCTION Development of heat power engineering, as well as other sectors of the industry moved by the direction on identification of working modes of the equipments. Under such conditions all working parameters of the speed, pressure and temperature



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