
rock breakage using expansive cement使用膨胀水泥岩石破碎.pdf

rock breakage using expansive cement使用膨胀水泥岩石破碎.pdf

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rock breakage using expansive cement使用膨胀水泥岩石破碎

Engineering, 2011, 3, 168-173 doi:10.4236/eng.2011.32020 Published Online February 2011 (/journal/eng) Rock Breakage Using Expansive Cement Amr El Dessouki, Hani Mitri Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada E-mail : Received November 16, 2010; revised January 10, 2011; accepted January 27, 2011 Abstract Expansive cements are powdery materials which produce expansive stresses during the moist curing process. These cements are classified as shrinkage-compensated or self-stressing cements. The shrinkage compen- sated is used in the construction industry and will not be investigated in this paper. Self-Stressing cement is widely used in the demolition fragmentation industry and will be the main focus of this report. The objec- tive of this paper is to discuss the relationship between Sulfate-compounds on the expansion time and degree of expansion of Betonamit expansive cement. Based on literature [1], expansion time is directly proportional to sulfate content when mixed with Portland cement. Hence, as the sulfate content of the cement mixture in- creases, expansion time increases. However, in this research project the effect of Portland cement was re- moved to further examine the effect of sulfate on Betonamit only. This phenomenon was investigated using various concentrations of 4 different Sulfate-compounds. The results proved the possibility of decreasing the expansion time of Betonamit and, quite remarkably, a much greater degree of expansion was obtained. Keywords: Expansive Cement, Betonamit, Sulphate-Compounds, Expansion Time, Degree of Expansion 1. Introduction [2] using expansive cement



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