
schr?dinger equations in noncylindrical domains exact controllability薛定谔方程noncylindrical域精确能控性.pdf

schr?dinger equations in noncylindrical domains exact controllability薛定谔方程noncylindrical域精确能控性.pdf

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schr?dinger equations in noncylindrical domains exact controllability薛定谔方程noncylindrical域精确能控性

SCHRÖDINGER EQUATIONS IN NONCYLINDRICAL DOMAINS: EXACT CONTROLLABILITY G. O. ANTUNES, M. D. G. DA SILVA, AND R. F. APOLAYA Received 6 July 2005; Accepted 12 March 2006 We consider an open bounded set Ω ⊂ Rn and a family {K (t)}t≥0 of orthogonal matri- n n ces of R . Set Ω = {x ∈ R ; x = K (t)y , for all y ∈ Ω}, whose boundary is Γ . We denote t t by Q the noncylindrical domain given by Q = {Ω × {t}}, with the regular lateral 0tT t boundary = 0tT {Γt × {t}}. In this paper we investigate the boundary exact con- 2 ¨ trollability for the linear Schrodinger equation u − iΔu = f in Q (i = −1), u = w on Σ, u(x,0) = u (x ) in Ω , where w is the control. 0 0 Copyright © 2006 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction ¨ We consider the linear Schrodinger equation in a domain whose boundary is moving in time. Let T be a positive real number and let {Ω } be a family of bounded open sets t t∈[0,T] n of R , with regular boundary Γ , defined as below. We denote by Q the noncylindrical t domain of Rn+1 defined by Q = Ω × {t} (1.1)



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