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37 1 ( ) Vol. 37, No. 1 2007 1 Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities andSocial Sciences) J an. 2007 司法裁判中的演绎推论 陈林林 ( , 3100 18) [ ] , , , , : , , , , , [ ] ; ; ; [ ] DF8 [ ] A [ ] 1008- 942X( 2007) 01- 0153- 08 An Analysis of Deduction in Adjudication CHEN Linlin (Dep artment of Law , Zhej iang University of Finance and Economics, H angzhou 310018, China Abstract:Th rul of law m ans rul d by rul s , not rul d by man . D duction is charact r iz d by g n rality and imp rsonality, and can r strict judg s discr tion ff ctiv ly w h n appli d as a kind of judicial t chniqu in adjudication. Analyzing th inf r ntial structur of d duction, w can find that it mphasiz s th authority of stat d pr mis s and th c rtainty of conclusions. So in th judicial proc ss, it can b us d to mphasiz th authority of major pr mis s ( i. . l gal rul s) , and to provid judicial d cisions w ith ultimat p rsuasions. D duction is th fundam ntal judicial t chniqu for advancing and pr s rving th rul of law . It has tw o virtu s in judicial d cisionmaking. First, it can h lp th judg s us inf r ntial formula to mak a subsumptiv r lationship b tw n th normativ valuations and individual judgm nts. At this point, inf r ntial for mulas m an dir ctions and r strictions to judg s. S cond, it can h lp th judg s to r construct th judgm nt by logical m thods, and analyz th judgm nt s for mal validity or r ationality in logical p rsp ctiv s. How v r, th using of d duction n ds som pr suppositions. Wh n a judg mak s a judgm nt by d duction, h must mak sur that th p nding cas has b n subsum d in th stat d [ ] 2006 09 06 [ ] http: // ww w



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