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He is a small heavenly king in Asia. He is good at R&B songs. He is the most famous Chinese player in NBA. Match them: *Have a goal. *Work hard and make your dream come true. *Creative & imaginative She is one of the greatest women in the world who made great contributions for the peace of the world. She was born on 27 August, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia, and was loved and worshipped (崇拜)in India. She was given the highest honor as Gandi by the government of India. He was born on 17 December, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. During his life he created many beautiful and famous works. Though he couldn’t hear anything any more at the age of 45, he still continued to work for his music, and he successfully finished the ninth and tenth symphony at last. Extension Amazing people are those who make great contributions in different fields and are usually loved and respected by people. Some of them have even changed our world for the better through their thoughts and actions. We can learn from them: Write a passage about your hero/heroine. Group Discussion Do you think Bill Gates’ achievements have had a great effect on our life today? How? Yes. Nowadays we can do shopping and have some lessons at home. Computers bring lots of convenience to our daily life. With computers, we can find information we’d like to know; we can solve many complex calculations easily; we can always find solutions to difficult problems. Because of computers, a lot of time and effort have been saved. Work is done more efficiently and communication has become much easier. Chapter 2 Enlarge the knowledge 知识拓展 Chapter 3 Use the knowledge 知识运用 Chapter 4 Extension and show 延伸展示 Chapter 1 Study and play happily 欢声笑语 Other amazing people · Who is your hero/heroin? What are his or her achievements? My hero/heroin is _________. He/She is from _________ . He/She is a (an、the) _


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