Structuring a Problem-Solution Paper:构建一个问题解决了.ppt

Structuring a Problem-Solution Paper:构建一个问题解决了.ppt

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Structuring a Problem-Solution Paper:构建一个问题解决了

* * * * * * * * Structuring a Problem-Solution Paper The following presentation will show you how to properly structure a problem solution essay. You should follow along and we will do it together for the first time. You will then continue to use this process for all Problem-Solution Essays that we write. What goes in each paragraph? -Paragraph 1- Introduction -Paragraph 2- Solution and Steps -Paragraph 3- One Advantage -Paragraph 4- Second Advantage -Paragraph 5- Conclusion Problem-Solution Prompt: Because you are a valuable student at Smith Middle School, the principal has asked you to find Miss Nelson. Her absence has become very costly to your school. SMS running out of money and needs to find the missing Miss Nelson. Write an essay that develops an effective solution to this problem and list steps to implement it. Audience and Purpose What is audience? - The audience is who the paper is intended for. Who is going to read it? What is purpose? - The purpose is the reason that you are writing. What am I writing this for? Audience: the principal Purpose: find Miss Nelson Brainstorm Cause and Effects Make a Multi Flow map with the problem in the middle box. In the boxes on the left, list causes of the problem. In the boxes on the right, list effects of the problem. Multi-flow map Miss Nelson is missing!!! Causes Effects Write the opening Paragraph The opening paragraph MAY include: -TOPIC SENTENCE!!!! -What is the problem -Where is the problem -How long has it been a problem The opening paragraph SHOULD include: - Causes and effects of problem (Multi-Flow map) -DO NOT PUT YOUR SOLUTION IN THE OPENING PARAGRAPH! Possible Opening Sentences One problem which needs to be solved is… One of the greatest problems at Smith Middle School is… The students education at Smith Middle School is suffering due to… Example of an opening paragraph One of the biggest problems at Smith Middle School is that one of their best teachers, Miss


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