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08北美口语1、2题汇总 08.1.12(已重复)1、favorite course subject during childhoodI like doing sports like basketball, build my strong body (I have a good health), relief my mood after a full day, Refresh my concentrated force, Be filled with an enterprising spirit 2、large-room class or small 08.1.18(已重复)1、What were you like when you were a child and when you attend earlier school? Do you like those days? Play games with buddies When I was seven years old Yep, I can share my happiness with my friends innocently, when people grow up, they will be more realistic, so they won’t spend time sharing the virginity with you. At that time, I can play games with my buddies carefreely. 2、popular celebrities, like singers, actors, athletes are good examples for you to learn? 08.1.271.说说作为team member一个重要的qualitySelflessness, You should help friends when they are in trouble. You should give your hand to them whenever they turn to you or not. You should put the benefit of team at the position of no.1 when it comes to your benefit. 2. do you prefer watching news or reading news? I prefer watching news . It can help train my abilities both of my vision and hearing instead of training vision only. 08.2.1(已重复) 1、好邻居的特点;Supportive , 2、问电视节目娱乐的和教育的你喜欢哪一个 08.2.8 1、讲述家人和朋友帮助你的事情,解释为什么这个对你的意义 2、选择喜欢冒险和不喜欢冒险 08.2.15 (已重复) 1、医生,老师,农民,哪一个职业对社会贡献最大? 2、同意或不同意,为了过的快乐,去做喜欢的的工作 08.2.23 (已重复) 1、 describe a characteristic a book,film , poem, explain why you like it. 2 、do you think that university student is wasting time to take others course in other school that beyond their major. 08.3.1 1、说你喜欢的performer. 为什么喜欢 2、你是闲着的时候随波逐流还是有计划? 08.3.7 1、你小时候 经常去的地方 why 2、数学 科学 VS 艺术历史 更应该学哪个? 08.3.14 1.Whats your favorite toy or game in your childhood? 2. Do you like to be taught by teachers with experience or new teachers? 08.3.29 1. 阐述你曾经的一次成功,并谈谈你得感受 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old people to receive high education and to get a university degree. 08.4.26(已


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