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第 38 卷 第 5 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.38 No.5 2010 年 3 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Mar.1, 2010 电力系统不良数据检测与辨识方法的现状与发展 1 2 2 刘 莉 ,翟登辉 ,姜新丽 (1.沈阳工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110136;2.沈阳理工大学,辽宁 沈阳 110159) 摘要:电力系统不良数据的存在会降低电力系统状态估计的收敛性能, 甚至造成电力系统状态估计的失败。回顾了国内外对 电力系统不良数据检测与辨识方法的历史现状与发展,从对检测和辨识不良数据的各种方法研究的时间顺序以及类别上出 发,将其分成基于传统方法和基于新理论方法这两大类并对其分别进行了详细阐述,分析了各个算法的自身特点以及存在的 问题,并对该领域值得进一步研究的问题和方向进行了展望。 关键词:电力系统;不良数据;检测;辨识;状态估计 Current situation and development of the methods on bad-data detection and identification of power system 1 2 2 LIU Li ,ZHAI Deng-hui ,JIANG Xin-li (1. Shenyang Institute of Engineering,Shenyang 110136, China; 2. Shenyang Ligong University,Shenyang 110159,China ) Abstract :Power system bad data can reduce convergence efficiency of state estimation ,even can result in state estimation failure. This paper firstly reviews the current situation and development of the detection and identification of bad data from home and abroad. Then starting from the chronological study and categories of various methods of the detection and identification of bad data, it divides it into two categaries, which are based on the traditional methods and new theoretical methods, and describes their differences in detail. And the characteristics of each algorithm, as well as inadequacy, are analyzed. Finally, this paper prospects the problems of worth studying in this area . Key words :power system ;bad data ;detection ;identification ;state estimation 中中中中中中TM71 文文文文文中A 文文文中中 1674-3415(2010)05-00143-05 依靠系统提供的多余信息,发现和排除测量采样数 0 引言 据中偶然出现的少数不良数据,以提高状态估计的 目前电力系统发展速度很快,电力网络的结构


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