中国与韩国新农村建设的比较与借鉴(Comparison and reference of the construction of new countryside between China and Korea).doc

中国与韩国新农村建设的比较与借鉴(Comparison and reference of the construction of new countryside between China and Korea).doc

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中国与韩国新农村建设的比较与借鉴(Comparison and reference of the construction of new countryside between China and Korea)

中国与韩国新农村建设的比较与借鉴(Comparison and reference of the construction of new countryside between China and Korea) Comparison and reference of the construction of new countryside between China and Korea Comparison and reference of the construction of new countryside between China and Korea 2008-12-20 15:11:21 First, the similarities and differences of new rural construction between China and Korea 1, similarities (1) the internal problems in rural areas are basically similar. Many macro issues in China's current rural areas, South Korea also existed in the early 1970s. These problems include: the rural population than the major, more people and less land, rural surplus labor, agricultural management in small scale, weak rural infrastructure, rural education and cultural and health undertakings lags behind, the low cultural quality of the peasants, rural young people despise and abandon agriculture, etc.. South Korea began the implementation of the new village campaign in 1970, the rural population accounted for 45% of the total population, per capita arable land is only 0.6 acres. According to statistics by the end of 2004, China's rural population still accounts for 58.24%, and the per capita cultivated land is only 1.5 mu. (2) the imbalance between urban and rural development is basically similar. At the end of 1960s and early 70s, similar to the case of South Korea and China at present, in the early stage of industrialization and city, various aspects between city and countryside, agriculture and non agriculture, big city and small town there were differences in a lot of space, a serious imbalance in the development of industry and agriculture, farmers and city residents to expand the income gap. At present, the imbalance between urban and rural development and the gap between urban and rural residents are more serious than that of the new rural movement in korea. For example, in 1970, the urbanization rate in South Korea was 55.3%, and in 2003 the urbanization rate of Ch



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