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2008 年 10 月 北 京 邮 电 大 学 学 报 Oct .2008 第 31 卷 第 5期 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Vol .31 No .5 文章编号 :1007-5321(2008)05-0025-05 R ice 衰落下 M TC M 的状态 符号序列译码方法 杨 程1 ,2 , 王树彬1 ,2 , 邹卫霞1 ,2 , 周 正1 ,2 (1. 北京邮电大学 无线网络实验室 ,北京 100876 ;2. 泛网无线通信教育部重点实验室 ,北京 100876) 摘要 :提出了一种Rice 信道中利于译码检测的多网格编码调制(MTCM)设计方法及其译码算法———状态 符号序 列译码 .利用通常的 Viterbi 算法对 MTCM 符号序列进行最大似然译码非常复杂 . 基于 MTCM 符号序列设计上 的特点,将译码过程分为状态序列检测和符号序列译码两步 .符号序列的译码输出不必等到所有符号接收完毕 ,译 码时延小 ;对于经过衰落信道后的 MTCM 符号序列 ,译码性能可以通过改变设计参数值来逼近最大似然算法 ,理 论分析和仿真结果说明了这一特点 . 关 键 词 :Rice 信道 ;多网格编码调制 ;状态 符号序列译码 中图分类号 :TN929.53 文献标识码 :A State-Symbol Sequence Decoding for MTCM over Rician Fading Channels YANG Cheng1 ,2 , WANG Shu-bin1 ,2 , ZOU Wei-xia1 ,2 , ZHOU Zheng1 ,2 (1.Wireless Network Laboratory ,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications ,Beijing 100876 ,China ; 2.Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications ,Ministry of Education ,Beijing 100876 ,China) Abstract :A multiple-trellis-coded-modulation (MTCM) symbol sequence design method for Rician channels as well as its corresponding decoding algorithm , state-symbol sequence decoding , are pro- posed .The complexity of maximum likelihood detection algorithm ,such as general Viterbi algorithm for MTCM ,is very high .Based on the design characters of MTCM ,an applicable decoding algorithm is presented :first ,the state sequenceof MTCM is determined ,and then the symbol sequence between two successive determined states is decoded .With this algorithm ,it is not necessary for the decoding output to wait for until the whole symbol sequence is received ,that will lead to an acceptable short de- coding delay .For MTCM symbol sequences


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