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LOGO 靳晓明博士 中国科技部国际合作司司长 Dr. JIN Xiaoming Director General Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology P. R. China -2013年1月CERC指导委员会会议上,双方高度肯定中心对双边能源、经贸合作的积极影响,认为这是中美科技协定签署以来最具创新性的合作研发项目。 On the CERC Steering Committee Meeting in January 2013, the two sides highly approved the positive influence of CERC on bilateral energy, economic and trade cooperation, and regarded it as the most innovative collaborative RD project since the signing of China-US Science and Technology Agreement. -双方就推进科研成果转化、知识产权保护和开发等达成共识。 Consensus was reached on facilitating commercialization of research achievements, IP protection and development, etc. -希望在知识、技术和商业应用方面取得实质性进展,同时欢迎新的企业合作伙伴加入联盟 It is expected that substantial progress can be achieved in terms of knowledge, technology and commercial application. New business partners are encouraged to join in the consortia. 探讨成立联合基金 To explore the feasibility of a joint fund 推进合作研发成果产业化 To facilitate commercialization of joint RD achievements -中美科技合作协定: 1979年由邓小平先生和卡特总统签署 China-US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement:signed by Mr. Deng Xiaoping and President Carter in 1979 -中美科技合作联委会: 胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统分别致贺信 China US Joint Commission Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation(JCM):congratulation letters from President Hu Jintao and President Obama 清洁能源联合研究中心、农业旗舰项目、环境科技合作联合工作组、卫生科技合作联合工作组 CERC;Agricultural Flagship Projects; Environment ST Joint Working Group;Health ST Joint Working Group 中国科技部与美国比尔与梅琳达·盖茨基金会合作 Cooperation between MOST and Gates Foundation 科技领域的人文交流 People to people exchange in the field of science and technology …… -科技创新是世界经济走出低谷的驱动力。 Science, Technology and Innovation is the driving force for the world economy out of recession. -中美两国都高度重视科技创新。 Both China and the United States place science, technology and innovation high on their agendas. -中方重视产学研合作,美国政府重视推进公共-私营部门合作伙伴关系。 China attaches importance to the synergy of industry, academ


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