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成大中文學報 第五十一期 2015 年12 月 頁 121-158 國立成功大學中文系 南宋《詩經》集解體作者解經立場與方法之 比較研究─以李樗、嚴粲為中心的考察 黃忠慎* 摘 要 李樗的《毛詩詳解》與嚴粲的《詩緝》分別完成於南宋初年與晚期,兩者皆採 集解體的方式解經,此一體式有其基本要求,不只羅列眾說,裁定優劣,往往還需 有自己的解釋。面對自兩漢至北宋的《詩經》新舊之說,李樗決定在詩旨方面支持 傳統的《詩序》,詩文釋義方面則有自己的一套規則,以其規則評騭、去取諸家之說, 也提供自己的解釋,完全沒有漢宋之偏見,至其讀《詩》的要領則受到孟子與北宋 理學家的啟迪。嚴粲可以接觸到完整的兩宋疑《序》學者之著作,但他依然支持《詩 序》的解題,訓釋詩文的方法主要則是「以經傳解經」,看似傳統,其理念卻可與西 方詮釋學不謀而合。透過本文的論述,可知漢學與宋學雖各有所長,但絕非分屬兩 種截然不同的研究進路,而傳統與現代的治學方法與成果亦無優劣之分 ,必須分別 看待。 關鍵詞 :《詩序》、漢學、宋學、李樗、嚴粲 * 國立彰化師範大學國文系特聘教授。 121 成 大 中 文 學 報 第 五 十 一 期 The Comparative Discourse upon the Standpoints and Methods of the Variorum Authors on Explaining the Shijing during the Southern Song Dynasty: Using Li Shu and Yan Can as the Core of the Study Huang Chung-Shen Distinguished Professor, Department and Graduate Institute of Chinese, National Changhua University of Education Abstract The Mao Shi Xiang Jie by Li Shu and the Shi Qi by Yan Can were finished respectively during the early and later years of the Southern Song Dynasty. Both used the style of Variorum to explain the Shi Jing. The style of Variorum requires basic elements of not only to spread out various ideas of others or to judge the good and bad but also to present the explanations of oneself. Confronting the old and new explanations of the Shi Jing from the Han Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Shu decided to support the traditional Shi Xu in the respect of the Motifs of poems and have his own rules in interpreting the words of poetry. Using his rules, Li Shu criticized and selected concepts from scholars. His way of interpreting the Shi Jing did not contain any prejudices to the Han Studies and the Song studies. As for Li Shu’s



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