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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Exhibit 2-7 contrasts strong and weak cultures.) The more employees accept the organization’s key values and the greater their commitment to those values, the stronger the culture. Most organizations have moderate to strong cultures, that is, there is relatively high agreement on what’s important, what defines “good” employee behavior, what it takes to get ahead, and so forth. The stronger a culture becomes, the more it affects the way managers plan, organize, lead, and control. * * * * * * * * 外部顧客、內部顧客(上司,部屬,同事)之外,還有其他利害關係人,應清楚他們的需要,不可被說:你給的都不是我要的! 誰的觀點最重要?員工、客戶、股東、管理者、董事會?還是其他 Stakeholders? 若有一把槍一個子彈最想賞給誰? 哪個假設前提最有道理?1. 利潤最大化,2. 股東財富最大化,3. 市場佔有率最大,4. 顧客忠誠度最高,5. 員工滿意度最好? * 1. Identify the organization’s external stakeholders. 2. Determine the particular interests and concerns of external stakeholders. 3. Decide how critical each external stakeholder is to the organization. 4. Determine how to manage each individual external stakeholder relationship. * 我想要的東西,有些自己可以掌控,有些掌握在別人手上。故要得到我想要的東西,必須先知道別人要什麼。別人的行為準則不見得和我一樣,有時必須順應情況,調整自己。 好的領導人應該是:1. 頭腦清楚,眼光快又準,能傾聽,胸襟格局大,肚量大,手腕高,能放下身段勤跑基層。 2. 對事持續改善,對人尊重 ,分工合作,做人做事。3. 能考慮情境,調整自己。 其他經驗分享:增強寬廣視野(由技入道),環境敏感度與適應能力,決策技巧,人際技巧,溝通能力。 * The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act. Culture is a perception, shared, descriptive (not evaluation). 討論:人人都是無價之寶! * * Dimension Organization A Organization B Attention to Detail High Low Outcome Orientation Low High People Orientation Low High Team Orientation Low High Aggressiveness Low High Stability High Low Innovation and Risk Taking Low High * 1. 繪製貴公司組織文化雷達圖。 實例:新竹縣文化中心 比較:政大,交大。華航,長榮。IBM, Apple. 討論:裕隆汽車次文化。效忠公司 vs. 專業。 2. 分析貴公司之組織環境, 討論:走向有利或不利之方向? * A公司 0 1 2 3 4 Innovation Attention to detail Outcome People Team Aggressiveness Stability * 補習班 Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome orientation People orientation Team orientation Aggressiveness


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