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贵州省天柱县2008年法定报告传染病疫情分析[摘要] 目的:了解天柱县2008年传染病流行特征及变化趋势,为有效预防控制传染病疫情提供科学依据。方法:对天柱县2008年传染病疫情进行描述性流行病学分析。结果:天柱县2008年无甲类传染病报告,报告乙类传染病11种、832例,死亡7例,年报告发病率、死亡率、病死率分别为197.62/10万、1.66/10万和0.84%;报告丙类传染病5种,发病179例,无死亡病例。报告病例数居前5位的病种分别为肺结核、细菌性痢疾、其他感染性腹泻、流行性腮腺炎和急性出血性结膜炎,占病例总数的88.23%。呼吸道传染病占62.31%、肠道传染病占总发病数的14.44%、血源及性传播疾病占5.04%、自然疫源及虫媒传染病占0.40%、新生儿破伤风占0.10%、丙类传染病占17.71%。结论:2008年天柱县法定报告传染病以呼吸道和丙类传染病为主,肺结核和菌痢等是重点监测防控的传染病,农民、学生和儿童是重点防控人群。 [关键词] 法定传染病;疫情分析;控制对策 [中图分类号] R181[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)04(b)-119-02 Statutory report of communicable diseases epidemic analysis in Tianzhu County in Guizhou Province in 2008 LONG Dingping (The Center for Disease Prevention and Control in Tianzhu County, Tianzhu 556600, China) [Abstract] Objective: To understand the morbidity trends and popularity, so as to provide a scientific basis for formulaing and control strategies for infectious diseases. Methods: By epidemilolgical analysis, the epidemilolgical situation of infectionus diseases in Tianzhu County in 2008 was analyzed. Results: There was no report of group A infectious diseases of Tianzhu County in 2008. A total of 11 kinds of group B and group C infectious dissease were reported in 832 cases and 7 died cases. The annual incidence was 197.62/100 000, and the mortality rate was 1.66/100 000 million as well as mortality rate was 0.84%. A total of 5 kinds of group C infectious dissease were reported in 179 cases and no died cases. The top five diseases were tuberculosis, bacillary dysentery, other infectious diarrhea, mumps and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, accounting for 88.23% of the total number of cases; the total incidence of intestinal infectious diseases, respiratory diseases accounted was 62.31%, the number was 14.44%, blood and sexually transmitted diseases accounted was 5.04%, natural fociand insect-borne diseases account was 0.40%, neonatal tetanus accounts was 0.10% and group C infectious dissease was 17.71%. Conclusion: Respiratory tract diseases and


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