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9 2 Vo l.9 No . 2 20 11 4 S out ht oN ort h W ater Div er sion and Wat er Science T echn ol ogy A pr. 20 11 doi : 10. 3724/ SP. J. 120 1. 20 11. 02022 1, 2 1, 2 2, 3 2 1, 2 金 鑫 , 王凌河 , 赵志轩 , 严登华 , 王 浩 ( 1. , 116024; 2. , 1000 38; 3. , 30007 2) , , , , , , , ; ; X321; T V 697 A 167 21683( 20 11) Reflections on the Research of Ecological Operation of Reservoirs JIN X in1, 2 , WA N G L inghe1, 2 , ZH A O Zhix uan2 , 3 , Y A N D enghua2 , WA N G H ao 1, 2 ( 1. School of H y draulic Engineer ing , Faculty of Inf rastructure Eng ineering, Dalian University of Technology , Dalian 116024, China; 2. China I nstitute of Water esources and H y drop ower esearch, Beij ing 100038, China; 3. Civil Engineer ing College, Tianj in University . Tianj in 300072, China) Abstract: T he t radit ion al reserv oir operat ion mode alw ay s consid ers t he econ om ic benefit as th e f irs t aim besides en suring t he fl ood cont rol s af e t y . H ow ev er , it pay s l it tl e at t en ti on t o t h e ecoen vi ron men t condit ions in t he dow nst ream regions and reserv oir areas, wh ich migh t t hreat en t he healt h of riv er . T he ecological operat ion of reserv oirs t akes t he ecological aim int o considerat ion, and it ch anges t he t radit ional way . A im ing t o protect and improv e t he healt h of riv er , t he ecol ogical res erv oir operat ion becomes necessary and ex igent . Based on t he res earches abroad and home, t hi s paper analy zes t he concept ion, conn otat ion and research hot spot s f rom th e p oint of v iew of ecological ef fect s wit h res erv oir opera



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