
c语言播放声音文件的函数(The function of playing sound files in C language).doc

c语言播放声音文件的函数(The function of playing sound files in C language).doc

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c语言播放声音文件的函数(The function of playing sound files in C language)

c语言播放声音文件的函数(The function of playing sound files in C language) Play a sound file of C language function.Txt I this person never, generally have revenge on the spot I quote. Theres nothing to do. Dont look for me! Even believe has a lie in the middle! I like you so much, you like me will die ah? Im not RMB, how can everyone like me? The two sound functions sound (), nosound (), and the delay function delay () are provided by the function library dos.h. Function name: sound Function: turn on the PC speaker at the specified frequency Usage: void sound (unsigned frequency); Procedure example: #include dos.h Int main (void) { Sound (7); Delay (10000); Nosound (); Return 0; } The declaration of the PlaySound PlaySound function is: BOOL PlaySound (LPCSTR, pszSound, HMODULE, hmod, DWORD, fdwSound); The parameter pszSound is a string to play the sound specified, this parameter can be the name of the WAVE file, or WAV resource name, or pointer voice data in memory, or system event sound defined in the system registry in WIN.INI. If the parameter is NULL, the sound being played is stopped. The parameter hmod is the instance handle of the application. Unless pszSound points to a resource identifier (that is, fdwSound is defined as SND_RESOURCE), it must be set to NULL. The parameter fdwSound is a combination of flags, as shown in the following table. If successful, the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE is returned. Play flags and meanings: SND_APPLICATION Plays the sound with the specified Association of the application. SND_ALIAS The pszSound parameter specifies the alias of the system event in the registry or WIN.INI. SND_ALIAS_ID The pszSound parameter specifies a predefined sound identifier. SND_ASYNC Play the sounds asynchronously, and the PlaySound function returns immediately after the start of playback. SND_FILENAME The pszSound parameter specifies the WAVE file name. SND_LOOP Repeated play must be used in conjunction with the SND_ASYNC flag. SND_MEMORY Play the s


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