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ghost技巧(ghost技巧) GHOST text mode The GHOST is segmented by fixed size GHOST fools reduction method The GHOST fool restore method fails reference GHOST simple NT backup _1 GHOST simple installation of multiple NT systems GHOST 5.1B NTFS uses switches GHOST graphic mode ? GHOST copies another NTFS SCSI hard disk The GHOST splits the hard disk with a fixed size to facilitate writing to the CDR When you turn on the machine, press F8 and select Command Prompt Only Ghost -split=640/650 CDR Ghost -split=600 MO GHOST fools reduction method 2000-Jul-20 Many people know how to use GHOST, but for some computer greene-r, to save their own computer seems unlikely. I spent a lot of time to test the success of this work simplified.. today.. =) Of course, the safest way is to make CDR, but there are some difficulties in making CDR in many ways Since the average person has only one HDD, we should first use PartitionMagic5 to split out the C:\ D:\ C:\ is used to put user programs and data, and D:\ is used for GHOST backup Note that if the hard disk has 10GB space, please split the hard disk into C:\6GB D:\4GB, and too little D:\ space will make image impossible, For example, in my case, C:\3GB is used for program D:\2GB, for data storage, and E:\2GB for image file storage, of course, if and me Like the partition, the backup instructions need to be modified... We first prepare a Win95 boot DISK (because Win98 boot files are too large, if they dont use CDROM, they dont need to be recommended.) Here, DISK removes some of the programs and files the next one Attrib.exe Chkdsk.exe C Debug.exe Drvspace.bin Ebd.sys E Fdisk.exe F Himem.sys Io.sys Msdos.sys Scandisk.ini S Uninstal.exe When the GHOST program is copied into the DISK Ghost.exe I joined the two starting file Autoexec.bat Config.sys When the boot file autoexec.bat as follows @echo off Echo. aChoi 2000-Jul-16 Goto%config% : 1Backup Rem, Backup, HDD1-1, to, HDD1-2\0000.gho Ghost, -clone, mode=pdump, src=1:1, dst=d:\0000.gho, -split=6



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