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voa口语练习(VOA spoken practice)
voa口语练习(VOA spoken practice)
Recommendation: clear the barrier of spoken English thoroughly
English charging
Fluent oral English
First lesson: bummed and chilled out
Today we are broadcasting [American English]. In this program, we would like to invite you to listen to the dialogue between Michael and Li Hua, both of whom are students at New York University. Michael is American, but he can understand chinese. He and Li Hua both took a photography course in the new term. It was 7:50 in the morning, and they met in the doorway of the classroom. Notice the two common expressions they use in their speech: bummed and chill.
M:, Hey, Li, Hua, what, are, you, doing, here, You,, taking, this, class, too?
L: yes, I took a photography class. But this class is so early, I hate getting up early.
M:, Yeah, Im, bummed, that, I, to, get, so, early, Im, also, bummed, out, that, Dr., Johnson, is, up, teaching, this,, class., Ive, have, heard, really, shes, really, tough.
L: Hi, Michael, what is bummed? I remember, Bum doesnt mean homeless people?
M:, Yeah, that, is, true., here, I, used, bummed, and, bummed, out., They, But, both, mean,, to, be, upset., unhappy, or,...
L: Oh, you see, that one confused me. It turned out to be bummed, or bummed out, which means unhappy and upset. Hi, Michael, what did you say just now?
M:, Im, really, that, I, have, to, up, so, early, Im, also, bummed, out, that,, Professor, Johnson, bummed, is, teaching, get, this, class.
L: now I see, you mean youre not happy to get up so early. Dr. Johnson teaches this class and makes you unhappy because shes strict. Hey, if a female student refuses your invitation, youll feel worse, dont you?
M:, Ha, ha., Very, But, you, are, right, if, I, got, turned, down, for, a, date, Id, be, bummed., Im,, also, bummed,, that, summer, funny., vacation, is, over.
L: hey, I know you. If you were rejected by your girlfriend, you would be down in the mouth. You might even end up worrying about the end of the s
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