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Journal of EnvironmentalEntomology, June 2010, 32( 3) : 392- 398 ISSN 1674-0858 doi: 1013969/j1 issn11674- 0858120101031018 曾文慧, 刘瑞娴, 钟俊鸿* (, 510260) : , : ; ; ; : Q965 : : 1674-0858( 2010) 03-0392-07 Th e term ite intestinal sym b ion t cellu lolytic sy stem * ZENG Wen-Hui, LIU Ru-iXian, ZHONG Jun-Hong (Guangdong Entomological Institute, Guangzhou 510260, China) Abs tract: Term ites are an extremely successfulgroup for lignocellulosesdegradation in the terrestrialeco- system. Its intestinal symbiotic cellulolytic system plays a key role in lignocelluloses digestion. This art-i cle outlines the recent study advances on the characteristics, symbiotic association and functional interac- tion of the cellulolytic system of term ite and its symbioticm icroorganism s. K ey w ord s: term ite; symbioticm icroorganism; cellulose; cellulase , , D- B - 1, 4- ( Engel, 2009) , , , ( crystalline)( amorphism) , ,, ( ( Brune, 1998; Lo et al., 2000; N i et al. , , 2008) 2005), ( Li et al., 2009b) , (W atanabe and Tokuda, 2001; Davison and Blaxter, 2005 ), , 1 ( glycosylhydrolas- es fam ily, GHF) (H enrissat, 1991) ( lignocellulose) : (Ohkuma, 2003), , ( exo - B - 1, 4 - glucanases, C1,


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