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28 10 武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报 Vo l. 28 N o. 10 2006 10 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY O ct . 2006 1, 3 2 1 1 3 符晶华 , 常立新 , 姜德生 , 刘胜春 , 眭灵峰 ( 1. , 430070; 2. , 430052; 3. , 43007 1) : 通过有限元理论分析, 探讨了系杆索断裂前后的拱桥结构内部力学行为的变 规律, 进而研究了系杆断裂对 整座拱桥健康状况的影响作为对比, 在现场进行了足尺试验, 即国内某拱桥因故需要对其系杆更换, 在剪断系杆索之 际模拟了系杆突然断裂, 采用自行研制的光纤光栅测力传感器检测某根系杆剪断前后其他系杆索力的变 情况根据 实测数据与理论分析的对比, 验证了理论分析的正确性, 为在系杆断裂情况下对拱桥健康状况的诊断提供了一种有效的 方法 : 光纤传感器; 系杆; 索力; 健康状况; 力学行为; 系杆拱桥 : T P 212; P 3 15. 9 : A : 1671-4431( 2006) 10- 006 1- 05 Influence of Ties Broken on Arch Bri ge Health State 1, 3 2 1 1 3 F U Jing-hua , CH A N G L i-x i n , JIA N G D e-sheng , LI U Sheng-ch un , S UI L ing-f eng ( 1. Fibe Optical Sensing T echnology Resea ch Cente , Wuhan U nive sity of T echnolog y, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. Wuhan U ban Road B idge T oll A dminist ation Cente , Wuhan 430050, China; 3. Hubei Jianke St uctu al St eng thening Limited Co po ation, Wuhan 43007 1, China) Abstract: T he changing ule of inte io mechanical behav io s in an a ch b idge st uctu e was discussed by the finite element analysis. T hen the influence of ties b oken on the health state of an a ch b idge w as esea ched. As a cont ast, the full-scale model test was ca ied on in the scene. T hat is, ecently, a b idg e was needed to eplace all its ties in China fo some eason. Its tie cables of the b idg e being cut off one by one we e simulated as being suddenly b oken. When a tie cable of the b idge w as cut off , the changes


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