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船用摇摆试验台建模和控制系统设计 气传动 2006 年 第36 卷 第11 期 1 2 1 1 1 1. 天津工程机械研究院 2. 海军试验基地 : ( ) , , : , , , , , : Model and Control System for the Simulation Sway Test System Li Xuezhong Huang Shouxun Lin Q isheng Hu Ke Luo Xuehui Abstract: The simulation sw ay test sy stem is a high-a urate physi al simulat ion sy st em, w hi h ontains ma hinery, ele tri , omput er, inst rument t e hnology. It an simulate w arships sw ay motion in the different great w aves. The model and ontrol sy stem for the simulation sw ay test system be used warships equipments test is introdu ed. It in ludes, w ork out the mot ion model-sway s ore, design of ont rol sy st em of three degree simulation sw ay test system, and some prin ipal te hni al problems. The simulation sw ay test sy stem provides a usefull simulation test means for w arships equipments, it shorts test times, ensures produ ts quality . Keywords: simulation sw ay test system ontrol sy stem model , ( 1 引言 ) ( ) ( ) 3 , U , O , 3 , , , , , 1 , , 3 , , , PID , , ,


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