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真空除氧器 说 明 书 江苏津宜水工业装备有限公司 用途 天然水中溶有多种气体,在锅炉水给水中,氧对锅炉腐蚀的危害最大.为此国家标准GB1576-85“低压锅炉水质标准”中规定2吨/时以上锅炉必须除氧.真空除氧器的出水含氧量能满足标准的要求. 真空除氧器还可以用于石油钻井回注水的除氧及水处理脱硫工艺中氢离子交换器后除二氧化碳等多种场合. There are various gases dissolved in nature water; the oxygen contained in the boiler feed water may cause maximum corrosion to the boiler. So the national standard GB1576-85 low-pressure boiler water quality standard clearly states that all the boilers of 2 t/h or higher are required to have their feed water deaerated. The oxygen level in the treated water from the vacuum deaerator can meet the standard and requirement. The vacuum deaerators may also be used for deaeration of the return water in oil drilling industry and for CO2 removal after the hydrogen ion exchange in the desulfurization process of water treatment; 原理 真空除氧的原理是基于亨利定律,即在封闭容器中,气体在水中的溶解度与该气体在水面上的分压力成正比.水在沸腾时,水面上蒸汽的分压力增加,溶解于水中的气体分压力随之减小,当水面上充满了水蒸气时,水不再具有溶解气体的能力,水中所溶解的气体就析出.从水的饱和温度特性可知,在真空状态下低温水也能沸腾. 真空除氧就是利用这一特性达到除去气体(包括氧气)的目的. principle: The working principle of the vacuum deaeration is based on the Henry theory, that is, in a closed container, the solubility of gases in the water is in proportion to the partial pressure of the gas on the water surface; when the water is boiling, the partial pressure of the steam on the water surface will increase, while the partial pressure of the dissolved gas will decrease accordingly; when the water surface is covered full with steam, the water will no longer have the capacity to dissolve the gas and then the dissolved gas in the water will be separated out. We can see from the saturated temperature characteristics of the water that low-temperature water can also boil under vacuum condition, which is utilized by the vacuum deaerator to remove the gases including oxygen; 特点 1、运转工况稳定,真空度高,使用场合广. 2、不消耗蒸汽,锅炉出力可全部利用. 3、低温的除氧水可通过换热器回收低品位的废热后再作为锅炉给水,从而收到节能效果. 4、适应性强,从负荷0-120%范围内变化时,除氧效果不受影响. 5、本除氧器除高位安装外,接上引水泵机组后还可以低位安装,便于单层布置的小锅炉房用,节省投资,管理操作维修方便. haracteristics: 1, Stable operating conditions, hi


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