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目录 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT I 引言 1 一、红旗渠的概况 1 (一)红旗渠的历史发展 1 (二)红旗渠的旅游资源情况 2 二、 红旗渠的旅游开发分析 3 (一)红旗渠的发展现状 3 (二)红旗渠的旅游效益 3 (三)红旗渠的开发条件 4 三、红旗渠的旅游价值的静态表现 5 (一)观赏游览价值 5 (二)科学考察价值 6 (三)精神文化价值 6 (四)精神文化价值的深化表现 6 四、红旗渠旅游价值的动态表现 8 (一)红旗渠的旅游开发思路 8 (二)红旗渠的旅游开发的实践探索 9 (三)红旗渠的旅游开发的趋势 10 结束语 11 参考文献 12 致谢 13 论河南省林州市红旗渠的旅游价值 摘要:随着经济的快速发展,人们在沉重的工作压力之下,越来越迫求精神上的放松和愉悦。在这种背景下应运而生的文化旅游诸如红色旅游吸引了更多的眼球。然而,文化旅游更多的是遗留的珍贵文物古迹和枯燥的导游讲说,这些游览更倾向于满足游客的文化需求,而游客繁重的工作下放松身心的需求并没有得到满足。在这种发展现状下,红旗渠旅游价值如何合理发展和体现更值得我们深思。本文在红旗渠旅游发展现状分析的基础上,对红旗渠的旅游开发和旅游价值进行了一些分析。针对旅游者日益倾向的体验参与性旅游需求,红旗渠景区结合自己现有的旅游资源和发展现状,走可持续发展道路,大力开发体验型旅游产品,全面提升旅游资源的旅游价值,全面凸显红旗渠的精神文化价值。 关键词:红旗渠 旅游资源 旅游价值 Theory of Lin Zhou City of Henan Province Red Flag Canal Tourism Value ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of economy, people are under heavy work pressure, more and more pursuit spiritual relaxation a pleasure .In this context came into being cultural tourism such as red tourism attracts more attention. Cultural tourism, however, is more of a legacy of precious cultural relics and boring tour speaking, these tours are more likely to meet the needs of tourists, the tourists, the tourists to relax under heavy work requirements and are not met. Under this development situation, the red flag canal tourism value how to reasonable development and reflects more worthy of our thought. This article in the red flag canal tourism development based on the analysis of the present situation, on the red flag canal tourism development and tourism value are analyzed in some. According to the experience of tourists increasingly participatory tourism demand, the red flag canal scenic area according to the existing tourism resources and development present situation, taking the path of sustainable development, energetically develop one tourism value of tourism resources, fully highlighted the red flag canal spirit cultural value. KEY WORDS: the red flag canal, Tourism resources, Tourism value 引言 红旗渠景区是一处自然景观和人文景观完美结合的旅游胜地。它是一项集自然景观和人文景观为一体,同时又融合了“自力更生、艰苦创业、团结协


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