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Diavik Diamond Mine Rio Tinto(戴维克钻石矿力拓(Rio Tinto))
25 June 2014
Diavik Diamond Mine
Jean-Marc Lieberherr, Managing director, Rio Tinto Diamonds
Marc Cameron, President, Diavik Diamond Mines
Cautionary statement
This presentation has been prepared by Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited (“Rio Tinto”) and consisting of the slides for a
presentation concerning Rio Tinto. By reviewing/attending this presentation you agree to be bound by the following conditions.
Forward-looking statements
This document contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and
business of the Rio Tinto Group. These statements are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the
US Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The words “intend”, “aim”, “project”,
“anticipate”, “estimate”, “plan”, “believes”, “expects”, “may”, “should”, “will”, “target”, “set to” or similar expressions, commonly
identify such forward-looking statements.
Examples of forward-looking statements include those regarding estimated ore reserves, anticipated production or construction
dates, costs, outputs and productive lives of assets or similar factors. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown
risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors set forth in this presentation that are beyond the Rio Tinto Group’s control.
For example, future ore reserves will be based in part on market prices that may vary significantly from current levels. These may
materially affect the timing and feasibility of particular developments. Other factors include the ability to produce and transport
products profitably, demand for our products, changes to the assumptions regarding the recoverable value of our tangible and
intangible assets, the effect of foreign currency exchange r
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