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Engineering Design The Aluminum Association(工程设计铝业协会)
Section II Bare Aluminum Wire and Cable
Chapter 3
Engineering Design
This chapter describes lbe principal design features of AWG numbered sizes represent the approximate reduction
bare uninsulated conductors; however much lbat applies in diameter associated with each successive step of wire
to hare conductors also pertains to lbe metaUic part of in drawing.
sulated or covered conductors which are considered in Fig. 3-1 shows typical full-size cross-sections, and
Section III. approximate relationships between the sizes.
Many types of bare conductors are in use depending on For wire sizes larger than 4/0 AWG, the size is desig
application requirements. They may differ in electrical and nated in circular mils. Wire sizes of 4/0 AWG and
physical properties, configuration, method of assembly, smaller also are often designated in cir mils. One cir mil
and corrosion resistance. Certain general physical prop is the area of a circle I mil (0.001 in.) diameter; that is, the
erties have been described in previous chapters. Detailed area in cir mils equals diameter-in-mils squared.
physical and electrical properties of lbe various com
mercial sizes of bare conductors are listed in Chapter 4. As one emil = ./4 sqmils (Eq.3-1)
Area in cir mils 1.2732X 10 X area in sq. in.
For many years it has been the practice to employ code Expressing diameter of wire D, in inches
words to identify and precisely define specific conductor D = 1O
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- DRAFTING MANUAL Section 6.2.2 Update 79 (6.2.2更新79年起草手册部分).pdf
- Drafting Engineering(起草工程).pdf
- Drag Coefficient Prediction Chapter 1 (阻力系数预测第1章).pdf