SB13 Upright Nautilus(SB13直立鹦鹉螺).pdf

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SB13 Upright Nautilus(SB13直立鹦鹉螺)

ExErcisE bikE ownEr’s manual SB13 Upright SR23 Recumbent Pn 001-7087 rev a (04/11/2007) ownEr’s manual CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for making the Schwinn® bike a part of your exercise and fitness activities. For years to come, you’ll be able to rely on Schwinn® craftsmanship and durability as you pursue your personal fitness goals. This Schwinn® bike should enable you to shape and monitor your workouts to: p Increase your energy level p Increase cardiovascular and aerobic fitness p Increase lower body muscle strength q Decrease your overall percentage of body fat Whether you are just getting started in an exercise program or are already in good shape, this Schwinn® bike is designed to be an efficient, easy and fun way to achieve an enhanced level of fitness. You can pedal your way to a slim- mer and healthier body. The on-board digital computer enables you to accu- rately monitor your progress by tracking time, speed, distance and approximate Calories burned. This Owner’s Manual contains all the information you need to operate and enjoy your Schwinn® exercise bike. Also included are general fitness guidelines. Please read this Owner’s Manual in its entirety before get- ting onto the bike and working out. So let’s get started. Take your time and have fun! 2 c o TABLE OF CONTENTS n Safety Precautions4 T



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