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SSAT2041CF BetaTitanium Alloy Suitable for (SSAT2041CF BetaTitanium合金适合)
Titanium 2006 22 Annual ITA Conference and Exhibition San Diego, California
SSAT-2041CF Beta-Titanium Alloy Suitable for Cold Processing
Manager, Titanium Department of Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. Tokyo, JAPAN
SSAT is the abbreviation of “SUMITOMO Super Alloy Titanium”. 20 means 20%
Vanadium, 4 means 4% Aluminum, 1 is 1% Tin. ”CF” is cold formability.
Today, I would like to explain why we developed this particular alloy and how we
pioneered new application with the short history including some topics. I am showing
you the contents in the following pages.
This presentation consists of three parts. In the 1st part I will explain the short history
about the SSAT-2041CF. I also refer to the background of developing history, and some
topics of pioneering new application. I hope you can find not only the information about
this alloy, but also the typical Japanese working style. In the 2 part, I will explain the
ideas forward from today we bear in mind looking for new applications. In the last part,
I will explain the conclusion.
The preliminary objective of developing SSAT-2041CF was applying titanium alloy to
the automotive with a view to lightening the body weight. We aimed to change the
material of valve retainer from steel to SSAT-2041CF. As the valve retainer was made
by cold forming process with steel at that time, we should propose cold formable
titanium alloy. But as commercialized titanium alloys then had too much deformation
stress, they couldn’t be applied.
So, the target of developing new titanium alloy becomes “Improve formability”. We set
the target as shown, 20% down of cold deformation stress comparing to other common
beta-titanium such as 15V-3Cr-3Sn-3AL.
We did many researches and tests for about 5 years with a certain car m
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