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煮粥(Porridge) 1, soak: rice porridge before boiling, soaked with cold water for half an hour, so that the expansion of rice grains. The advantages: A, boil porridge to save time; B, stir when it will go in one direction; C, boil out of porridge crisp, good taste. 2, boiling water pot: members of the general consensus was cold porridge, but the real expert is with boiling water cooked porridge, why? You must have had some experience with the bottom of a cold boiled porridge Boiling water pot would not have this phenomenon, and it is more time than cold porridge. 3, duration: first with the fire to boil and then change to slow fire that small fire and boiled for about 30 minutes. Dont underestimate the size of the fire, and the smell of porridge comes out! 4, mixing: originally, we cook porridge, stirring occasionally, in order to fear porridge paste bottom, and now there is no cold water porridge porridge bottom of the worries, why do you have to stir it? In order to out of thick, that is, the rice grains are full, crisp and thick. Mixing skills are: boiling water, stirring a few times when the pot, covered with pot until the simmer for 20 minutes, began to stir constantly, has been going on for about 10 minutes, until the crisp thick like a pot. 5, point oil: porridge, but also put oil? Yes, the porridge will change to a slow fire for about 10 minutes, with a little salad oil. You will find that the porridge is brightly colored and the entrance is rather slippery. At the end of 6, sub boiling materials: most people porridge habits will all fall into the whole poured into the pot, centuries old porridge shop to do so. Congee porridge at the end is the end of material is expected, boiled, boiled separately Cheuk Cheuk, finally put a piece for a moment, and never more than 10 minutes. In this way, the porridge is fresh and clear, and the taste of everything comes out and doesnt mix. Especially accessories for meat and seafood, but also porridge bottom and accessories se



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