爱护大脑(Care for the brain).doc

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爱护大脑(Care for the brain)

爱护大脑(Care for the brain) In modern society, mental tasks are becoming more and more important. Many people often use the brain excessively, which leads to the brains fatigue. The brain needs rest, too. So we should know how to take care of our brains. Here comes a specific understanding of some of the common sense of caring for the brain. 1 listen Often listen to beautiful, gentle and and their favorite songs, is conducive to brain nerve cell metabolism, exercise and promote the function of auditory nerve. 2 sleep Brain fatigue is the main way to sleep, long-term lack of sleep or poor quality, will accelerate the decline in brain cells, smart people will become confused. 3, joy Keep smiling, happy, can increase lung respiration, increase brain oxygen supply, improve the physiological functions of the brain. 4, food Diet should be balanced, reasonable, eat more rich in vitamin C and protein rich foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and various lean meat, beans and so on. 5, move Do meticulous manual activities, such as writing, painting, playing the piano, and difficult gymnastics. 6 thoughts Meditation is the best way to exercise your brain. Only by working hard and thinking hard can people become more intelligent. 7, read Read more books. The book is the source of wisdom, to concentrate on reading and not fly like Yimushixing, to learn from the book knowledge rather than mere entertainment. 8, said The brain has specialized leaves, and speaking often promotes brain development and exercises brain function. Should say more content, have strong philosophical or logical words. 9, Cha Watch yourself around and pay attention to the brain, store it up, and then remember it. Law 1: the more exercise, the more intelligent the brain Our brain evolved on foot - 12 miles per day! (Alice is smarter than couch potato!) Do you want to improve your thinking skills? Move it! (boss, please change the coffee machine in the office to the treadmill!) Exercise causes more blood to f



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