爱新觉罗胤3(Aixinjueluo, 3).doc

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爱新觉罗胤3(Aixinjueluo, 3)

爱新觉罗胤3(Aixinjueluo, 3) The Aixinjueluo catalogue [hidden] Profile Life experiences The related content of Fujin and children Profile Life experiences The related content of Fujin and children [editors paragraph] profile Aixinjueluo? Third son, third son of emperor Ren Zu Ching San Chinese emperor Yong Zheng, half brother, mother Rong Fei Ma jiashi. Kangxi was born in sixteen years (1677) Dingsi February 20th at noon, Yong Zheng died ten years after May 19th. [editor this paragraph] life experience When raised in Chuo Erji home secretary. Third son of big brother Yin is older than five years younger than the prince Yinreng mistress, the elder brother is one year older than four emperor. From the current point of view, whether it is from the third son of literature and calligraphy, or she, in many of the princes inside, performance is very prominent, much like Kangxi. The French Jesuit Jesus Bouvet wrote to King Louis Xiv said in a letter, Kangxi personally to explain the geometry of yinzhi. Kangxi in changchunyuan Mongolia keep Zhai opened, sent Yinzhi presided over the compiling of law in the calendar origins, Lulu, calendar and algorithm for a book, especially a long while to write calligraphy Kangxi King Mausoleum magic holiness inscription. Kangxi thirty-one years (1692) by Kangxis third son of the hunt, Yinzhi once and Kangxi have always Qishe good, not on the two. Yin Zhi is a learned scholar, historian Yan Chongnian said the three son of Yinzhi is a great scientist. Yinzhi Jae Hee Spring Garden 23 years (1707-1730), frequent cultural event. The teacher and his third son is full of scholars and fame of the commoner, such as Chen Menglei, Yang Wenyan, Zhou Changyan etc.. On these people he presided over the compilation of two book origin and Lvli integration of ancient and modern books. Yong Zheng ascended the throne for only 22 days, persecuted Chen Menglei and Yang Wenyan, to snatch the store Jae Hee Spring Garden Chen Menglei premises storage integration of a



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