牙列、牙合与颌位(Dentition, occlusion and jaw position).doc

牙列、牙合与颌位(Dentition, occlusion and jaw position).doc

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牙列、牙合与颌位(Dentition, occlusion and jaw position)

牙列、牙合与颌位(Dentition, occlusion and jaw position) Dental arch Dental arch The root of the upper and lower teeth grows in the alveolar fossa, and their crowns are arranged adjacent to each other in a certain order, direction and position, and are arranged in an arcuate form called a dentition or a dental arch. The upper jaw is called the maxillary dentition (the bow), and the lower jaw is called the mandibular dentition (bow). Physiological significance of dentition 1. dispersing the occlusal force is beneficial to the development of masticatory efficiency 2. avoid food impaction, protect the health of periodontal tissue 3, protect the lips, cheeks, tongue tissue in chewing, sports and health 4. set off the lip and cheek tissues to maintain the fullness of the maxillofacial region 5, assist swallowing and pronunciation function Typing of dentition (I) classification according to the type of composition; Permanent dentition Primary dentition Mixed dentition 1 permanent dentition Consisting of permanent teeth Complete upper and lower permanent dentition with 16 teeth each The maxillary dentition with mandibular bar is slightly narrow and long 2. primary dentition All made up of baby teeth The complete upper and lower dentition contains 10 teeth each The shape is approximately semicircle The dentition is shorter than the permanent dentition The ratio of width to length of dentition is greater than that of permanent dentition 3. mixed dentition Dentition, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth The number of permanent teeth varies at different stages of development (two) typing according to the morphological characteristics of dentition Square shape Pointed round type Oval (three) according to the arrangement of the teeth in the dentition 1 normal dentition The number of teeth is normal and the dentition is neat and free 2, abnormal dentition Abnormal number of teeth: excessive number of teeth (supernumerary teeth) or too little Abnormal alignment of the teeth: crowded dentiti



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