生物学基本公式汇总(Summary of basic biological formulas).doc

生物学基本公式汇总(Summary of basic biological formulas).doc

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生物学基本公式汇总(Summary of basic biological formulas)

生物学基本公式汇总(Summary of basic biological formulas) I. calculations of proteins and nucleic acids Note: peptide number (m), amino acid number (n), amino acid mean molecular weight (a), amino acid mean molecular weight (b), total nucleotide (c), and nucleotide mean molecular weight (D). 1. proteins (and peptides): amino acids form polypeptides by dehydration and condensation, the mass conservation of various elements, in which H and O are involved in dehydration. Each amino acid has at least 1 amino groups and 1 carboxyl groups, and the excess amino and carboxyl groups come from the R group. The number of amino acids calculated: C atom = R, C atom number + 2; H atom = R; base number H + 4; O atom = R; base number O + 2; N atom = R; N atom + 1 on base. Each peptide chain has free amino and carboxyl groups: at least 1; m peptide chains, proteins, free amino groups and carboxyl groups: at least m; The number (number = peptide dehydration or water number) = number of amino acid peptide number = n-m; The protein consists of M polypeptide chains: N = m + atomic number total amino peptide number (end) + R based on the number of amino; The total number of more than the total number of peptide bonds + amino peptide amino M total number (end); The atomic number O + 2 (M = total peptide carboxyl base (end) + R based on the number of carboxyl group); The total number of the total number of carboxyl peptide peptide bond + 2 x = total 2m carboxyl base (end); Protein molecular weight = total molecular weight of amino acids - dehydration total molecular weight (dehydrogenation total atomic weight) = Na - 18 (n - M); 2. calculation of the number of amino acids and the bases of double stranded DNA (genes) and mRNA bases in proteins: The base number of the DNA gene (at least): the base number of mRNA (at least): the number of amino acids in the protein = 6:3:1; The peptide bond number (or water number) + number = mRNA = the number of peptide amino acid base /3 = (DNA) /6 gene bases; DNA de



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