肩周炎的康复(三)(Rehabilitation of scapulohumeral periarthritis (three)).doc

肩周炎的康复(三)(Rehabilitation of scapulohumeral periarthritis (three)).doc

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肩周炎的康复(三)(Rehabilitation of scapulohumeral periarthritis (three))

肩周炎的康复(三)(Rehabilitation of scapulohumeral periarthritis (three)) Rehabilitation of scapulohumeral periarthritis (three) 2007-11-13 22:46 Review again, when the pain of the beginning of periarthritis of shoulder, called the acute phase. The symptoms are mainly pain around the shoulder. Because of the pain, it will protect themselves from fear of activity, but also cause muscle spasms around the shoulder and surrounding soft tissue contraction. This results in limited motion of the shoulder joints. The acute phase treatment focuses on the physical and drug appropriate treatment to eliminate inflammation and relieve pain, at the same time with the appropriate rehabilitation exercises to maintain the activity of shoulder joint in all directions, avoid joint adhesion. At the same time, we must control the amount of exercise, do not bite hard practice, that will only increase the stimulation, increase inflammation, aggravating pain and so on. In the acute pain period, we should reduce the activities of shoulder joints appropriately, avoid lifting heavy objects, dry physical labor and exercise, and exercise appropriately under the condition of increasing the pain. First, physical therapy is introduced. Physical therapy is the application of sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat and so on. Various physical factors act on the human body, so as to promote the circulation of the blood, reduce inflammation, relieve pain and relax adhesion, so as to achieve the treatment of disease Microwave, ultrashort wave and laser are usually used for acute inflammation and deep tissue inflammation, and the acute phase of scapulohumeral periarthritis is suitable. For relatively fixed and definite pain points, such as the two biceps tendon, the supraspinatus tendon, deltoid bursa, and so on, we can use ultrasound and laser to treat the pain points. For the entire shoulder joint feel pain, you can choose short wave, ultrashort wave, magnetic therapy, etc., can promote the shoulder by the


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