胰岛素泵的基础率设置中须注意以下问题(The following questions should be noted in the basic rate setting of the insulin pump).doc

胰岛素泵的基础率设置中须注意以下问题(The following questions should be noted in the basic rate setting of the insulin pump).doc

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胰岛素泵的基础率设置中须注意以下问题(The following questions should be noted in the basic rate setting of the insulin pump)

胰岛素泵的基础率设置中须注意以下问题(The following questions should be noted in the basic rate setting of the insulin pump) The following questions should be noted in the basic rate setting of the insulin pump: Set up the BR should follow the principle of individuation. There were also differences in BR values among different patients. For high blood sugar without hypoglycemia, BR value of at least 50% of the total daily; frequent hypoglycemia, BR should be reduced to 35% of the total value of daily blood glucose control is the following; for patients and young patients, BR value should be around 40%. For the Somogyi patients prone to the phenomenon that the middle of the night, in the morning and the occurrence of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. According to the BR value of insulin secretion pattern, from 3 in the afternoon began to gradually increase, the 5PM 6PM BR value to a large value, or from 8PM by R 0AM, miraj Tuo, 2AM values for all day long valley, 3AM gradually increase the BR value to 4AM 6AM for maximum output value. This will prevent the emergence of Somogyi phenomenon. The brittle diabetes (brittle diabetes) the blood glucose fluctuation is very easy. Therefore, it is difficult to adjust the basal rate and the quantity before meals. In the process of using insulin pump, need conservative ideas, first from the patients with the lowest dose pump before the start, gradually adjust, to maintain blood glucose levels in slightly higher levels than normal, should avoid the occurrence of hypoglycemia coma. In the control of blood glucose is more stable, and gradually increase the basic rate and meal quantity, but also increase the amplitude not formulaic, should with itself, such as body fat thin, insulin level, normal diet and so on. This leads to a better level of blood sugar in brittle diabetics. The part of patients with type 1 diabetes with ketoacidosis symptoms, or infection or other stress factors, the rapid development of ketoacidosis. When DKA is present, the base ra



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